CONTACT US Here is how you can reach us at this time: Wyoming: 307-225-9832 Pennsylvania: 582-855-6033 EMAIL Innovating the New Energy Frontier Get in Touch Do you have any questions or feedback? Let us know! Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Name *FirstLastPHONEEmail *WHICH OF THE FOLLOWING ARE YOU CONTACTING US FOR? *WASTE COAL PILEAMD POND ISSUECOAL PILE OR MINEFLY ASH PILEHydrogenJet FuelRare Earth Minerals, AL, CO, TI etc.InvestingOTHERARE YOU INTERESTED INProcessing Samples for REEs?Partnering on your site for processing?Waste Coal to FuelsWaste Coal to EnergyAcid Mine Drainage ProcessingPartnering with FirepointFly Ash ProcessingSTATE / LOCATION OF YOUR SITETELL US ABOUT YOUR COAL SITE, LOCATION, TONNAGE ETC. Submit